Module ida_range

A range is a non-empty continuous range of addresses (specified by its start and end addresses, the end address is excluded from the range).

Ranges are stored in the Btree part of the IDA database. To learn more about Btrees (Balanced Trees): \link{}

Global Variables










range_t_print(cb: range_t) ‑> size_t

range_t_print(cb) -> str Helper function. Should not be called directly!

cb: range_t const *



: Proxy of C++ qvector< rangeset_t > class.

__init__(self) -> array_of_rangesets
__init__(self, x) -> array_of_rangesets

 x: qvector< rangeset_t > const &


  • add_unique(self, x: rangeset_t) ‑> bool add_unique(self, x) -> bool

    x: rangeset_t const &

  • at(self, _idx: size_t) ‑> rangeset_t const & at(self, _idx) -> rangeset_t

    _idx: size_t

  • back(self)

  • begin(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rangeset_t >::const_iterator begin(self) -> rangeset_t

  • capacity(self) ‑> size_t capacity(self) -> size_t

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self)

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • end(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rangeset_t >::const_iterator end(self) -> rangeset_t

  • erase(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rangeset_t >::iterator erase(self, it) -> rangeset_t

    it: qvector< rangeset_t >::iterator

    erase(self, first, last) -> rangeset_t

    first: qvector< rangeset_t >::iterator last: qvector< rangeset_t >::iterator

  • extract(self) ‑> rangeset_t * extract(self) -> rangeset_t

  • find(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rangeset_t >::const_iterator find(self, x) -> rangeset_t

    x: rangeset_t const &

  • front(self)

  • grow(self, *args) ‑> void grow(self, x=rangeset_t())

    x: rangeset_t const &

  • has(self, x: rangeset_t) ‑> bool has(self, x) -> bool

    x: rangeset_t const &

  • inject(self, s: rangeset_t, len: size_t) ‑> void inject(self, s, len)

    s: rangeset_t * len: size_t

  • insert(self, it: rangeset_t, x: rangeset_t) ‑> qvector< rangeset_t >::iterator insert(self, it, x) -> rangeset_t

    it: qvector< rangeset_t >::iterator x: rangeset_t const &

  • pop_back(self) ‑> void pop_back(self)

  • push_back(self, *args) ‑> rangeset_t & push_back(self, x)

    x: rangeset_t const &

    push_back(self) -> rangeset_t

  • qclear(self) ‑> void qclear(self)

  • reserve(self, cnt: size_t) ‑> void reserve(self, cnt)

    cnt: size_t

  • resize(self, *args) ‑> void resize(self, _newsize, x)

    _newsize: size_t x: rangeset_t const &

    resize(self, _newsize)

    _newsize: size_t

  • size(self) ‑> size_t size(self) -> size_t

  • swap(self, r: array_of_rangesets) ‑> void swap(self, r)

    r: qvector< rangeset_t > &

  • truncate(self) ‑> void truncate(self)

range_t(ea1: ea_t = 0, ea2: ea_t = 0)

: Proxy of C++ range_t class.

__init__(self, ea1=0, ea2=0) -> range_t

 ea1: ea_t
 ea2: ea_t


* ida_bytes.hidden_range_t
* ida_frame.regvar_t
* ida_funcs.func_t
* ida_gdl.qbasic_block_t
* ida_idd.memory_info_t
* ida_idd.scattered_segm_t
* ida_segment.segment_t
* ida_segregs.sreg_range_t

Instance variables

  • end_ea: ea_t end_ea

  • start_ea: ea_t start_ea


  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self) Set start_ea, end_ea to 0.

  • compare(self, r: range_t) ‑> int compare(self, r) -> int

    r: range_t const &

  • contains(self, *args) ‑> bool contains(self, ea) -> bool Is every ea in 'r' also in this range_t?

    ea: ea_t

    contains(self, r) -> bool

    r: range_t const &

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool Is the size of the range_t <= 0?

  • extend(self, ea: ea_t) ‑> void extend(self, ea) Ensure that the range_t includes 'ea'.

    ea: (C++: ea_t)

  • intersect(self, r: range_t) ‑> void intersect(self, r) Assign the range_t to the intersection between the range_t and 'r'.

    r: (C++: const range_t &) range_t const &

  • overlaps(self, r: range_t) ‑> bool overlaps(self, r) -> bool Is there an ea in 'r' that is also in this range_t?

    r: (C++: const range_t &) range_t const &

  • size(self) ‑> asize_t size(self) -> asize_t Get end_ea - start_ea.


: Proxy of C++ rangeset_t class.

__init__(self) -> rangeset_t
__init__(self, range) -> rangeset_t

 range: range_t const &

__init__(self, ivs) -> rangeset_t

 ivs: rangeset_t const &


  • add(self, *args) ‑> bool add(self, range) -> bool Add each element of 'aset' to the set.

    range: range_t const &

    return: false if no elements were added (the set was unchanged) add(self, start, _end) -> bool

    start: ea_t _end: ea_t

    add(self, aset) -> bool

    aset: rangeset_t const &

  • begin(self, *args) ‑> rangeset_t::iterator begin(self) -> range_t Get an iterator that points to the first element in the set.

  • cached_range(self) ‑> range_t const * cached_range(self) -> range_t When searching the rangeset, we keep a cached element to help speed up searches.

    return: a pointer to the cached element

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self) Delete all elements from the set. See qvector::clear()

  • contains(self, *args) ‑> bool contains(self, ea) -> bool Is every element in 'aset' contained in an element of this rangeset?. See range_t::contains(range_t)

    ea: ea_t

    contains(self, aset) -> bool

    aset: rangeset_t const &

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool Does the set have zero elements.

  • end(self, *args) ‑> rangeset_t::iterator end(self) -> range_t Get an iterator that points to the end of the set. (This is NOT the last element)

  • find_range(self, ea: ea_t) ‑> range_t const * find_range(self, ea) -> range_t Get the element from the set that contains 'ea'.

    ea: (C++: ea_t) return: nullptr if there is no such element

  • getrange(self, idx: int) ‑> range_t const & getrange(self, idx) -> range_t Get the range_t at index 'idx'.

    idx: (C++: int)

  • has_common(self, *args) ‑> bool has_common(self, range) -> bool Does any element of 'aset' overlap with an element in this rangeset?. See range_t::overlaps()

    range: range_t const &

    has_common(self, aset) -> bool

    aset: rangeset_t const &

  • includes(self, range: range_t) ‑> bool includes(self, range) -> bool Is every ea in 'range' contained in the rangeset?

    range: (C++: const range_t &) range_t const &

  • intersect(self, aset: rangeset_t) ‑> bool intersect(self, aset) -> bool Set the rangeset to its intersection with 'aset'.

    aset: (C++: const rangeset_t &) rangeset_t const & return: false if the set was unchanged

  • is_equal(self, aset: rangeset_t) ‑> bool is_equal(self, aset) -> bool Do this rangeset and 'aset' have identical elements?

    aset: (C++: const rangeset_t &) rangeset_t const &

  • is_subset_of(self, aset: rangeset_t) ‑> bool is_subset_of(self, aset) -> bool Is every element in the rangeset contained in an element of 'aset'?

    aset: (C++: const rangeset_t &) rangeset_t const &

  • lastrange(self) ‑> range_t const & lastrange(self) -> range_t Get the last range_t in the set.

  • next_addr(self, ea: ea_t) ‑> ea_t next_addr(self, ea) -> ea_t Get the smallest ea_t value greater than 'ea' contained in the rangeset.

    ea: (C++: ea_t)

  • next_range(self, ea: ea_t) ‑> ea_t next_range(self, ea) -> ea_t Get the smallest ea_t value greater than 'ea' that is not in the same range as 'ea'.

    ea: (C++: ea_t)

  • nranges(self) ‑> size_t nranges(self) -> size_t Get the number of range_t elements in the set.

  • prev_addr(self, ea: ea_t) ‑> ea_t prev_addr(self, ea) -> ea_t Get the largest ea_t value less than 'ea' contained in the rangeset.

    ea: (C++: ea_t)

  • prev_range(self, ea: ea_t) ‑> ea_t prev_range(self, ea) -> ea_t Get the largest ea_t value less than 'ea' that is not in the same range as 'ea'.

    ea: (C++: ea_t)

  • sub(self, *args) ‑> bool sub(self, range) -> bool Subtract each range in 'aset' from the set

    range: range_t const &

    return: false if nothing was subtracted (the set was unchanged) sub(self, ea) -> bool

    ea: ea_t

    sub(self, aset) -> bool

    aset: rangeset_t const &

  • swap(self, r: rangeset_t) ‑> void swap(self, r) Set this = 'r' and 'r' = this. See qvector::swap()

    r: (C++: rangeset_t &)


: Proxy of C++ qvector< range_t > class.

__init__(self) -> rangevec_base_t
__init__(self, x) -> rangevec_base_t

 x: qvector< range_t > const &


* ida_range.rangevec_t


  • add_unique(self, x: range_t) ‑> bool add_unique(self, x) -> bool

    x: range_t const &

  • at(self, _idx: size_t) ‑> range_t const & at(self, _idx) -> range_t

    _idx: size_t

  • back(self)

  • begin(self, *args) ‑> qvector< range_t >::const_iterator begin(self) -> range_t

  • capacity(self) ‑> size_t capacity(self) -> size_t

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self)

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • end(self, *args) ‑> qvector< range_t >::const_iterator end(self) -> range_t

  • erase(self, *args) ‑> qvector< range_t >::iterator erase(self, it) -> range_t

    it: qvector< range_t >::iterator

    erase(self, first, last) -> range_t

    first: qvector< range_t >::iterator last: qvector< range_t >::iterator

  • extract(self) ‑> range_t * extract(self) -> range_t

  • find(self, *args) ‑> qvector< range_t >::const_iterator find(self, x) -> range_t

    x: range_t const &

  • front(self)

  • grow(self, *args) ‑> void grow(self, x=range_t())

    x: range_t const &

  • has(self, x: range_t) ‑> bool has(self, x) -> bool

    x: range_t const &

  • inject(self, s: range_t, len: size_t) ‑> void inject(self, s, len)

    s: range_t * len: size_t

  • insert(self, it: range_t, x: range_t) ‑> qvector< range_t >::iterator insert(self, it, x) -> range_t

    it: qvector< range_t >::iterator x: range_t const &

  • pop_back(self) ‑> void pop_back(self)

  • push_back(self, *args) ‑> range_t & push_back(self, x)

    x: range_t const &

    push_back(self) -> range_t

  • qclear(self) ‑> void qclear(self)

  • reserve(self, cnt: size_t) ‑> void reserve(self, cnt)

    cnt: size_t

  • resize(self, *args) ‑> void resize(self, _newsize, x)

    _newsize: size_t x: range_t const &

    resize(self, _newsize)

    _newsize: size_t

  • size(self) ‑> size_t size(self) -> size_t

  • swap(self, r: rangevec_base_t) ‑> void swap(self, r)

    r: qvector< range_t > &

  • truncate(self) ‑> void truncate(self)


: Proxy of C++ rangevec_t class.

__init__(self) -> rangevec_t

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_range.rangevec_base_t


* ida_tryblks.try_handler_t
* ida_tryblks.tryblk_t

Last updated