Module ida_expr

Functions marked THREAD_SAFE may be called from any thread. No simultaneous calls should be made for the same variable. We protect only global structures, individual variables must be protected manually.

Global Variables
























HF_MAX = 8








IDC_LANG_EXT = 'idc'














VT_INT64 = 9




VT_OBJ = 5




VT_REF = 10


VT_STR = 7




eExecThrow = 90


add_idc_class(name: char const *, super: idc_class_t const * = None) ‑> idc_class_t *

add_idc_class(name, super=None) -> idc_class_t Create a new IDC class.

name: (C++: const char *) name of the new class
super: (C++: const idc_class_t *) the base class for the new class. if the new class is not based on
             any other class, pass nullptr
return: pointer to the created class. If such a class already exists, a pointer
        to it will be returned. Pointers to other existing classes may be
        invalidated by this call.

add_idc_func(name, fp, args, defvals=(), flags=0)

Extends the IDC language by exposing a new IDC function that is backed up by a Python function

Add an IDC function. This function does not modify the predefined kernel functions. Example: static error_t idaapi myfunc5(idc_value_t *argv, idc_value_t *res) { msg("myfunc is called with arg0=%a and arg1=%s\n", argv[0].num, argv[1].str); res->num = 5; // let's return 5 return eOk; } static const char myfunc5_args[] = { VT_LONG, VT_STR, 0 }; static const ext_idcfunc_t myfunc_desc = { "MyFunc5", myfunc5, myfunc5_args, nullptr, 0, EXTFUN_BASE }; // after this: add_idc_func(myfunc_desc); // there is a new IDC function which can be called like this: MyFunc5(0x123, "test");

note: If the function already exists, it will be replaced by the new function
return: success

add_idc_gvar(name: char const *) ‑> idc_value_t *

add_idc_gvar(name) -> idc_value_t Add global IDC variable.

name: (C++: const char *) name of the global variable
return: pointer to the created variable or existing variable. NB: the returned
        pointer is valid until a new global var is added.

compile_idc_file(nonnul_line: char const *) ‑> qstring *

compile_idc_file(nonnul_line) -> str

nonnul_line: char const *

compile_idc_snippet(func: char const *, text: char const *, resolver: idc_resolver_t * = None, only_safe_funcs: bool = False) ‑> qstring *

compile_idc_snippet(func, text, resolver=None, only_safe_funcs=False) -> bool Compile text with IDC statements.

func: (C++: const char *) name of the function to create out of the snippet
text: (C++: const char *) text to compile
resolver: (C++: idc_resolver_t *) callback object to get values of undefined variables This
                object will be called if IDC function contains references to
                undefined variables. May be nullptr.
only_safe_funcs: (C++: bool) if true, any calls to functions without EXTFUN_SAFE flag
                       will lead to a compilation error.
retval true: ok
retval false: error, see errbuf

compile_idc_text(nonnul_line: char const *) ‑> qstring *

compile_idc_text(nonnul_line) -> str

nonnul_line: char const *

copy_idcv(dst: idc_value_t, src: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

copy_idcv(dst, src) -> error_t Copy 'src' to 'dst'. For idc objects only a reference is copied.

dst: (C++: idc_value_t *)
src: (C++: const idc_value_t &) idc_value_t const &

create_idcv_ref(ref: idc_value_t, v: idc_value_t) ‑> bool

create_idcv_ref(ref, v) -> bool Create a variable reference. Currently only references to global variables can be created.

ref: (C++: idc_value_t *) ptr to the result
v: (C++: const idc_value_t *) variable to reference
return: success

deep_copy_idcv(dst: idc_value_t, src: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

deep_copy_idcv(dst, src) -> error_t Deep copy an IDC object. This function performs deep copy of idc objects. If 'src' is not an object, copy_idcv() will be called

dst: (C++: idc_value_t *)
src: (C++: const idc_value_t &) idc_value_t const &


Unregisters the specified IDC function

Delete an IDC function

del_idcv_attr(obj: idc_value_t, attr: char const *) ‑> error_t

del_idcv_attr(obj, attr) -> error_t Delete an object attribute.

obj: (C++: idc_value_t *) variable that holds an object reference
attr: (C++: const char *) attribute name
return: error code, eOk on success

deref_idcv(v: idc_value_t, vref_flags: int) ‑> idc_value_t *

deref_idcv(v, vref_flags) -> idc_value_t Dereference a VT_REF variable.

v: (C++: idc_value_t *) variable to dereference
vref_flags: (C++: int) Dereference IDC variable flags
return: pointer to the dereference result or nullptr. If returns nullptr,
        qerrno is set to eExecBadRef "Illegal variable reference"

eval_expr(rv: idc_value_t, where: ea_t, line: char const *) ‑> qstring *

eval_expr(rv, where, line) -> str Compile and calculate an expression.

rv: (C++: idc_value_t *) pointer to the result
where: (C++: ea_t) the current linear address in the addressing space of the program
             being disassembled. If will be used to resolve names of local
             variables etc. if not applicable, then should be BADADDR.
line: (C++: const char *) the expression to evaluate
retval true: ok
retval false: error, see errbuf

eval_idc_expr(rv: idc_value_t, where: ea_t, line: char const *) ‑> qstring *

eval_idc_expr(rv, where, line) -> str Same as eval_expr(), but will always use the IDC interpreter regardless of the currently installed extlang.

rv: (C++: idc_value_t *)
where: (C++: ea_t)
line: char const *

exec_idc_script(result: idc_value_t, path: char const *, func: char const *, args: idc_value_t, argsnum: size_t) ‑> qstring *

exec_idc_script(result, path, func, args, argsnum) -> str Compile and execute IDC function(s) from file.

result: (C++: idc_value_t *) ptr to idc_value_t to hold result of the function. If execution
              fails, this variable will contain the exception information. You
              may pass nullptr if you are not interested in the returned value.
path: (C++: const char *) text file containing text of IDC functions
func: (C++: const char *) function name to execute
args: (C++: const idc_value_t) array of parameters
argsnum: (C++: size_t) number of parameters to pass to 'fname' This number should be
               equal to number of parameters the function expects.
retval true: ok
retval false: error, see errbuf

exec_system_script(file: char const *, complain_if_no_file: bool = True) ‑> bool

exec_system_script(file, complain_if_no_file=True) -> bool Compile and execute "main" function from system file.

file: (C++: const char *) file name with IDC function(s). The file will be searched using
complain_if_no_file: (C++: bool) * 1: display warning if the file is not found
  • 0: don't complain if file doesn't exist retval 1: ok, file is compiled and executed retval 0: failure, compilation or execution error, warning is displayed

find_idc_class(name: char const *) ‑> idc_class_t *

find_idc_class(name) -> idc_class_t * Find an existing IDC class by its name.

name: (C++: const char *) name of the class
return: pointer to the class or nullptr. The returned pointer is valid until a
        new call to add_idc_class()

find_idc_func(prefix: char const *, n: int = 0) ‑> qstring *

find_idc_func(prefix, n=0) -> bool

prefix: char const *
n: int

find_idc_gvar(name: char const *) ‑> idc_value_t *

find_idc_gvar(name) -> idc_value_t Find an existing global IDC variable by its name.

name: (C++: const char *) name of the global variable
return: pointer to the variable or nullptr. NB: the returned pointer is valid
        until a new global var is added. FIXME: it is difficult to use this
        function in a thread safe manner

first_idcv_attr(obj: idc_value_t) ‑> char const *

first_idcv_attr(obj) -> char const *

obj: idc_value_t const *

free_idcv(v: idc_value_t) ‑> void

free_idcv(v) Free storage used by VT_STR/VT_OBJ IDC variables. After this call the variable has a numeric value 0

v: (C++: idc_value_t *)

get_idc_filename(file: char const *) ‑> char const *

get_idc_filename(file) -> str Get full name of IDC file name. Search for file in list of include directories, IDCPATH directory and system directories.

file: (C++: const char *) file name without full path
return: nullptr is file not found. otherwise returns pointer to buf

get_idcv_attr(res: idc_value_t, obj: idc_value_t, attr: char const *, may_use_getattr: bool = False) ‑> error_t

get_idcv_attr(res, obj, attr, may_use_getattr=False) -> error_t Get an object attribute.

res: (C++: idc_value_t *) buffer for the attribute value
obj: (C++: const idc_value_t *) variable that holds an object reference. if obj is nullptr it
           searches global variables, then user functions
attr: (C++: const char *) attribute name
may_use_getattr: (C++: bool) may call getattr functions to calculate the attribute if
                       it does not exist
return: error code, eOk on success

get_idcv_class_name(obj: idc_value_t) ‑> qstring *

get_idcv_class_name(obj) -> str Retrieves the IDC object class name.

obj: (C++: const idc_value_t *) class instance variable
return: error code, eOk on success

get_idcv_slice(res: idc_value_t, v: idc_value_t, i1: uval_t, i2: uval_t, flags: int = 0) ‑> error_t

get_idcv_slice(res, v, i1, i2, flags=0) -> error_t Get slice.

res: (C++: idc_value_t *) output variable that will contain the slice
v: (C++: const idc_value_t *) input variable (string or object)
i1: (C++: uval_t) slice start index
i2: (C++: uval_t) slice end index (excluded)
flags: (C++: int) IDC variable slice flags or 0
return: eOk if success

idcv_float(v: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

idcv_float(v) -> error_t Convert IDC variable to a floating point.

v: (C++: idc_value_t *)

idcv_int64(v: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

idcv_int64(v) -> error_t Convert IDC variable to a 64bit number.

v: (C++: idc_value_t *)
return: v = 0 if impossible to convert to int64

idcv_long(v: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

idcv_long(v) -> error_t Convert IDC variable to a long (32/64bit) number.

v: (C++: idc_value_t *)
return: v = 0 if impossible to convert to long

idcv_num(v: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

idcv_num(v) -> error_t Convert IDC variable to a long number.

v: (C++: idc_value_t *)
return: * v = 0 if IDC variable = "false" string
  • v = 1 if IDC variable = "true" string

  • v = number if IDC variable is number or string containing a number

  • eTypeConflict if IDC variable = empty string

idcv_object(v: idc_value_t, icls: idc_class_t const * = None) ‑> error_t

idcv_object(v, icls=None) -> error_t Create an IDC object. The original value of 'v' is discarded (freed).

v: (C++: idc_value_t *) variable to hold the object. any previous value will be cleaned
icls: (C++: const idc_class_t *) ptr to the desired class. nullptr means "object" class this ptr
            must be returned by add_idc_class() or find_idc_class()
return: always eOk

idcv_string(v: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

idcv_string(v) -> error_t Convert IDC variable to a text string.

v: (C++: idc_value_t *)

last_idcv_attr(obj: idc_value_t) ‑> char const *

last_idcv_attr(obj) -> char const *

obj: idc_value_t const *

move_idcv(dst: idc_value_t, src: idc_value_t) ‑> error_t

move_idcv(dst, src) -> error_t Move 'src' to 'dst'. This function is more effective than copy_idcv since it never copies big amounts of data.

dst: (C++: idc_value_t *)
src: (C++: idc_value_t *)

next_idcv_attr(obj: idc_value_t, attr: char const *) ‑> char const *

next_idcv_attr(obj, attr) -> char const *

obj: idc_value_t const *
attr: char const *

prev_idcv_attr(obj: idc_value_t, attr: char const *) ‑> char const *

prev_idcv_attr(obj, attr) -> char const *

obj: idc_value_t const *
attr: char const *

print_idcv(v, name=None, indent=0) -> bool Get text representation of idc_value_t.

v: (C++: const idc_value_t &) idc_value_t const &
name: (C++: const char *) char const *
indent: (C++: int)

py_add_idc_func(name: char const *, fp_ptr: size_t, args: char const *, defvals: idc_values_t, flags: int) ‑> bool

py_add_idc_func(name, fp_ptr, args, defvals, flags) -> bool

name: char const *
fp_ptr: size_t
args: char const *
defvals: idc_values_t const &
flags: int

py_get_call_idc_func() ‑> size_t

py_get_call_idc_func() -> size_t

pyw_convert_defvals(out: idc_values_t, py_seq: PyObject *) ‑> bool

pyw_convert_defvals(out, py_seq) -> bool

out: idc_values_t *
py_seq: PyObject *

pyw_register_idc_func(name: char const *, args: char const *, py_fp: PyObject *) ‑> size_t

pyw_register_idc_func(name, args, py_fp) -> size_t

name: char const *
args: char const *
py_fp: PyObject *

pyw_unregister_idc_func(ctxptr: size_t) ‑> bool

pyw_unregister_idc_func(ctxptr) -> bool

ctxptr: size_t

set_header_path(path: char const *, add: bool) ‑> bool

set_header_path(path, add) -> bool Set or append a header path. IDA looks for the include files in the appended header paths, then in the ida executable directory.

path: (C++: const char *) list of directories to add (separated by ';') may be nullptr, in
            this case nothing is added
add: (C++: bool) true: append. false: remove old paths.
retval true: success
retval false: no memory

set_idcv_attr(obj: idc_value_t, attr: char const *, value: idc_value_t, may_use_setattr: bool = False) ‑> error_t

set_idcv_attr(obj, attr, value, may_use_setattr=False) -> error_t Set an object attribute.

obj: (C++: idc_value_t *) variable that holds an object reference. if obj is nullptr then it
           tries to modify a global variable with the attribute name
attr: (C++: const char *) attribute name
value: (C++: const idc_value_t &) new attribute value
may_use_setattr: (C++: bool) may call setattr functions for the class
return: error code, eOk on success

set_idcv_slice(v: idc_value_t, i1: uval_t, i2: uval_t, _in: idc_value_t, flags: int = 0) ‑> error_t

set_idcv_slice(v, i1, i2, _in, flags=0) -> error_t Set slice.

v: (C++: idc_value_t *) variable to modify (string or object)
i1: (C++: uval_t) slice start index
i2: (C++: uval_t) slice end index (excluded)
in: (C++: const idc_value_t &) new value for the slice
flags: (C++: int) IDC variable slice flags or 0
return: eOk on success

swap_idcvs(v1: idc_value_t, v2: idc_value_t) ‑> void

swap_idcvs(v1, v2) Swap 2 variables.

v1: (C++: idc_value_t *)
v2: (C++: idc_value_t *)

throw_idc_exception(r: idc_value_t, desc: char const *) ‑> error_t

throw_idc_exception(r, desc) -> error_t Create an idc execution exception object. This helper function can be used to return an exception from C++ code to IDC. In other words this function can be called from idc_func_t() callbacks. Sample usage: if ( !ok ) return throw_idc_exception(r, "detailed error msg");

r: (C++: idc_value_t *) object to hold the exception object
desc: (C++: const char *) exception description
return: eExecThrow



: Proxy of C++ highlighter_cbs_t class.

__init__(self) -> highlighter_cbs_t

 self: PyObject *


  • cur_block_state(self) ‑> int32 cur_block_state(self) -> int32

  • prev_block_state(self) ‑> int32 prev_block_state(self) -> int32

  • set_block_state(self, arg0: int32) ‑> void set_block_state(self, arg0)

    arg0: int32

  • set_style(self, arg0: int32, arg1: int32, arg2: syntax_highlight_style) ‑> void set_style(self, arg0, arg1, arg2)

    arg0: int32 arg1: int32 arg2: enum syntax_highlight_style


: Proxy of C++ idc_global_t class.

__init__(self) -> idc_global_t
__init__(self, n) -> idc_global_t

 n: char const *

Instance variables

  • name: qstring name

  • value: idc_value_t value


: Proxy of C++ idc_value_t class.

__init__(self, n=0) -> idc_value_t

 n: sval_t

__init__(self, r) -> idc_value_t

 r: idc_value_t const &

__init__(self, _str) -> idc_value_t

 _str: char const *

Instance variables

  • e: fpvalue_t e

  • funcidx: int funcidx

  • i64: int64 i64

  • num: sval_t num

  • obj: idc_object_t * obj

  • pvoid: void * pvoid

  • reserve: uchar [sizeof(qstring)] reserve

  • str

  • vtype: char vtype


  • c_str(self) ‑> char const * c_str(self) -> char const * VT_STR

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self) See free_idcv()

  • create_empty_string(self) ‑> void create_empty_string(self)

  • is_convertible(self) ‑> bool is_convertible(self) -> bool Convertible types are VT_LONG, VT_FLOAT, VT_INT64, and VT_STR.

  • is_integral(self) ‑> bool is_integral(self) -> bool Does value represent a whole number?

  • is_zero(self) ‑> bool is_zero(self) -> bool Does value represent the integer 0?

  • qstr(self, *args) ‑> qstring const & qstr(self) -> qstring VT_STR qstr(self) -> qstring const &

  • set_float(self, f: fpvalue_t const &) ‑> void set_float(self, f)

    f: fpvalue_t const &

  • set_int64(self, v: int64) ‑> void set_int64(self, v)

    v: int64

  • set_long(self, v: sval_t) ‑> void set_long(self, v)

    v: sval_t

  • set_pvoid(self, p: void *) ‑> void set_pvoid(self, p)

    p: void *

  • set_string(self, *args) ‑> void set_string(self, _str, len)

    _str: char const * len: size_t

    set_string(self, _str)

    _str: char const *

  • swap(self, v: idc_value_t) ‑> void swap(self, v) Set this = r and v = this.

    v: (C++: idc_value_t &)

  • u_str(self) ‑> uchar const * u_str(self) -> uchar const * VT_STR


: Proxy of C++ qvector< idc_value_t > class.

__init__(self) -> idc_values_t
__init__(self, x) -> idc_values_t

 x: qvector< idc_value_t > const &


  • at(self, _idx: size_t) ‑> idc_value_t const & at(self, _idx) -> idc_value_t

    _idx: size_t

  • back(self)

  • begin(self, *args) ‑> qvector< idc_value_t >::const_iterator begin(self) -> idc_value_t

  • capacity(self) ‑> size_t capacity(self) -> size_t

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self)

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • end(self, *args) ‑> qvector< idc_value_t >::const_iterator end(self) -> idc_value_t

  • erase(self, *args) ‑> qvector< idc_value_t >::iterator erase(self, it) -> idc_value_t

    it: qvector< idc_value_t >::iterator

    erase(self, first, last) -> idc_value_t

    first: qvector< idc_value_t >::iterator last: qvector< idc_value_t >::iterator

  • extract(self) ‑> idc_value_t * extract(self) -> idc_value_t

  • front(self)

  • grow(self, *args) ‑> void grow(self, x=idc_value_t())

    x: idc_value_t const &

  • inject(self, s: idc_value_t, len: size_t) ‑> void inject(self, s, len)

    s: idc_value_t * len: size_t

  • insert(self, it: idc_value_t, x: idc_value_t) ‑> qvector< idc_value_t >::iterator insert(self, it, x) -> idc_value_t

    it: qvector< idc_value_t >::iterator x: idc_value_t const &

  • pop_back(self) ‑> void pop_back(self)

  • push_back(self, *args) ‑> idc_value_t & push_back(self, x)

    x: idc_value_t const &

    push_back(self) -> idc_value_t

  • qclear(self) ‑> void qclear(self)

  • reserve(self, cnt: size_t) ‑> void reserve(self, cnt)

    cnt: size_t

  • resize(self, *args) ‑> void resize(self, _newsize, x)

    _newsize: size_t x: idc_value_t const &

    resize(self, _newsize)

    _newsize: size_t

  • size(self) ‑> size_t size(self) -> size_t

  • swap(self, r: idc_values_t) ‑> void swap(self, r)

    r: qvector< idc_value_t > &

  • truncate(self) ‑> void truncate(self)

Last updated