Module ida_graph

Global Variables


COLLAPSED_NODE = -2147483648












NIF_ALL = 31




NIF_EA = 4








arrow_height = 10


arrow_width = 8


git_edge = 1


git_elp = 5


git_node = 2


git_none = 0


git_text = 4


git_tool = 3


grcode_attach_menu_item = 301


grcode_calculating_layout = 0


grcode_center_on = 264


grcode_change_group_visibility = 281


grcode_changed_graph = 2


grcode_clear = 269


grcode_clicked = 4


grcode_create_circle_layout = 272


grcode_create_digraph_layout = 270


grcode_create_disasm_graph1 = 287


grcode_create_disasm_graph2 = 288


grcode_create_graph_viewer = 256


grcode_create_group = 275


grcode_create_interactive_graph = 259


grcode_create_mutable_graph = 259


grcode_create_tree_layout = 271


grcode_create_user_graph_place = 286


grcode_creating_group = 6


grcode_dblclicked = 5


grcode_del_custom_layout = 266


grcode_del_node_info = 291


grcode_delete_group = 280


grcode_delete_interactive_graph = 298


grcode_deleting_group = 7


grcode_destroyed = 18


grcode_edge_infos_wrapper_clear = 300


grcode_edge_infos_wrapper_copy = 299


grcode_empty = 278


grcode_find_subgraph_node = 274


grcode_fit_window = 262


grcode_get_curnode = 263


grcode_get_custom_layout = 276


grcode_get_gli = 303


grcode_get_graph_groups = 277


grcode_get_graph_viewer = 257


grcode_get_node_info = 290


grcode_get_node_representative = 273


grcode_get_selection = 265


grcode_get_viewer_graph = 258


grcode_gotfocus = 9


grcode_group_visibility = 8


grcode_is_visible_node = 279


grcode_layout_calculated = 1


grcode_lostfocus = 10


grcode_node_qty = 283


grcode_nrect = 284


grcode_refresh_viewer = 261


grcode_reserved = 3


grcode_reserved2 = 12


grcode_set_custom_layout = 267


grcode_set_edge = 282


grcode_set_gli = 302


grcode_set_graph_groups = 268


grcode_set_node_info = 289


grcode_set_titlebar_height = 285


grcode_set_viewer_graph = 260


grcode_user_draw = 16


grcode_user_hint = 17


grcode_user_refresh = 11


grcode_user_size = 14


grcode_user_text = 13


grcode_user_title = 15


grcode_viewer_create_groups = 292


grcode_viewer_create_groups_vec = 295


grcode_viewer_delete_groups = 293


grcode_viewer_delete_groups_vec = 296


grcode_viewer_groups_visibility = 294


grcode_viewer_groups_visibility_vec = 297


layout_circle = 3


layout_digraph = 1


layout_none = 0


layout_orthogonal = 5


layout_polar_tree = 4


layout_radial_tree = 6


layout_tree = 2


xgap = 10


ygap = 30


calc_dist(p: point_t, q: point_t) ‑> double

calc_dist(p, q) -> double Calculate distance between p and q.

p: (C++: point_t)
q: (C++: point_t)

clr_node_info(gid: graph_id_t, node: int, flags: uint32) ‑> void

clr_node_info(gid, node, flags) Clear node info for the given node.

gid: (C++: graph_id_t) id of desired graph
node: (C++: int) node number
flags: (C++: uint32) combination of Node info flags, identifying which fields of
             node_info_t will be cleared

create_disasm_graph(*args) ‑> interactive_graph_t *

create_disasm_graph(ea) -> interactive_graph_t Create a graph using an arbitrary set of ranges.

ea: ea_t

create_disasm_graph(ranges) -> interactive_graph_t

ranges: rangevec_t const &

create_graph_viewer(title: char const *, id: uval_t, callback: hook_cb_t *, ud: void *, title_height: int, parent: TWidget * = None) ‑> graph_viewer_t *

create_graph_viewer(title, id, callback, ud, title_height, parent=None) -> graph_viewer_t Create a custom graph viewer.

title: (C++: const char *) the widget title
id: (C++: uval_t) graph id
callback: (C++: hook_cb_t *) callback to handle graph notifications (graph_notification_t)
ud: (C++: void *) user data passed to callback
title_height: (C++: int) node title height
parent: (C++: TWidget *) the parent widget of the graph viewer
return: new viewer

create_interactive_graph(id: uval_t) ‑> interactive_graph_t *

create_interactive_graph(id) -> interactive_graph_t Create a new empty graph with given id.

id: (C++: uval_t)

create_mutable_graph(id: uval_t) ‑> interactive_graph_t *

create_interactive_graph(id) -> interactive_graph_t Create a new empty graph with given id.

id: (C++: uval_t)

create_user_graph_place(node: int, lnnum: int) ‑> user_graph_place_t *

create_user_graph_place(node, lnnum) -> user_graph_place_t Get a copy of a user_graph_place_t (returns a pointer to static storage)

node: (C++: int)
lnnum: (C++: int)

del_node_info(gid: graph_id_t, node: int) ‑> void

del_node_info(gid, node) Delete the node_info_t for the given node.

gid: (C++: graph_id_t)
node: (C++: int)

delete_interactive_graph(g: interactive_graph_t) ‑> void

delete_interactive_graph(g) Delete graph object. @warning: use this only if you are dealing with interactive_graph_t instances that have not been used together with a graph_viewer_t. If you have called set_viewer_graph() with your graph, the graph's lifecycle will be managed by the viewer, and you shouldn't interfere with it

g: (C++: interactive_graph_t *)

delete_mutable_graph(g: interactive_graph_t) ‑> void

delete_interactive_graph(g) Delete graph object. @warning: use this only if you are dealing with interactive_graph_t instances that have not been used together with a graph_viewer_t. If you have called set_viewer_graph() with your graph, the graph's lifecycle will be managed by the viewer, and you shouldn't interfere with it

g: (C++: interactive_graph_t *)

get_graph_viewer(parent: TWidget *) ‑> graph_viewer_t *

get_graph_viewer(parent) -> graph_viewer_t * Get custom graph viewer for given form.

parent: (C++: TWidget *)

get_node_info(out: node_info_t, gid: graph_id_t, node: int) ‑> bool

get_node_info(out, gid, node) -> bool Get node info.

out: (C++: node_info_t *) result
gid: (C++: graph_id_t) id of desired graph
node: (C++: int) node number
return: success

get_viewer_graph(gv: graph_viewer_t *) ‑> interactive_graph_t *

get_viewer_graph(gv) -> interactive_graph_t Get graph object for given custom graph viewer.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)

pyg_close(_self: PyObject *) ‑> void


self: PyObject *

pyg_select_node(_self: PyObject *, nid: int) ‑> void

pyg_select_node(_self, nid)

self: PyObject *
nid: int

pyg_show(_self: PyObject *) ‑> bool

pyg_show(_self) -> bool

self: PyObject *

refresh_viewer(gv: graph_viewer_t *) ‑> void

refresh_viewer(gv) Redraw the graph in the given view.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)

set_node_info(gid: graph_id_t, node: int, ni: node_info_t, flags: uint32) ‑> void

set_node_info(gid, node, ni, flags) Set node info.

gid: (C++: graph_id_t) id of desired graph
node: (C++: int) node number
ni: (C++: const node_info_t &) node info to use
flags: (C++: uint32) combination of Node info flags, identifying which fields of 'ni'
             will be used

set_viewer_graph(gv: graph_viewer_t *, g: interactive_graph_t) ‑> void

set_viewer_graph(gv, g) Set the underlying graph object for the given viewer.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
g: (C++: interactive_graph_t *)

viewer_attach_menu_item(g: graph_viewer_t *, name: char const *) ‑> bool

viewer_attach_menu_item(g, name) -> bool Attach a previously-registered action to the view's context menu. See kernwin.hpp for how to register actions.

g: (C++: graph_viewer_t *) graph viewer
name: (C++: const char *) action name
return: success

viewer_center_on(gv: graph_viewer_t *, node: int) ‑> void

viewer_center_on(gv, node) Center the graph view on the given node.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
node: (C++: int)

viewer_create_groups(gv: graph_viewer_t *, out_group_nodes: intvec_t *, gi: groups_crinfos_t const &) ‑> bool

viewer_create_groups(gv, out_group_nodes, gi) -> bool This will perform an operation similar to what happens when a user manually selects a set of nodes, right-clicks and selects "Create group". This is a wrapper around interactive_graph_t::create_group that will, in essence:

  • clone the current graph

  • for each group_crinfo_t, attempt creating group in that new graph

  • if all were successful, animate to that new graph. note: this accepts parameters that allow creating of multiple groups at once; which means only one graph animation will be triggered.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
out_group_nodes: (C++: intvec_t *)
gi: (C++: const groups_crinfos_t &) groups_crinfos_t const &

viewer_del_node_info(gv: graph_viewer_t *, n: int) ‑> void

viewer_del_node_info(gv, n) Delete node info for node in given viewer (see del_node_info())

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
n: (C++: int)

viewer_delete_groups(gv: graph_viewer_t *, groups: intvec_t const &, new_current: int = -1) ‑> bool

viewer_delete_groups(gv, groups, new_current=-1) -> bool Wrapper around interactive_graph_t::delete_group. This function will:

  • clone the current graph

  • attempt deleting the groups in that new graph

  • if successful, animate to that new graph.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
groups: (C++: const intvec_t &) intvec_t const &
new_current: (C++: int)

viewer_fit_window(gv: graph_viewer_t *) ‑> void

viewer_fit_window(gv) Fit graph viewer to its parent form.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)

viewer_get_curnode(gv: graph_viewer_t *) ‑> int

viewer_get_curnode(gv) -> int Get number of currently selected node (-1 if none)

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)

viewer_get_gli(out: graph_location_info_t *, gv: graph_viewer_t *, flags: uint32 = 0) ‑> bool

viewer_get_gli(out, gv, flags=0) -> bool Get location info for given graph view If flags contains GLICTL_CENTER, then the gli that will be retrieved, will be the one at the center of the view. Otherwise it will be the top-left.

out: (C++: graph_location_info_t *)
gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
flags: (C++: uint32)

viewer_get_node_info(gv: graph_viewer_t *, out: node_info_t, n: int) ‑> bool

viewer_get_node_info(gv, out, n) -> bool Get node info for node in given viewer (see get_node_info())

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
out: (C++: node_info_t *)
n: (C++: int)

viewer_get_selection(gv: graph_viewer_t *, sgs: screen_graph_selection_t) ‑> bool

viewer_get_selection(gv, sgs) -> bool Get currently selected items for graph viewer.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
sgs: (C++: screen_graph_selection_t *)

viewer_set_gli(gv: graph_viewer_t *, gli: graph_location_info_t const *, flags: uint32 = 0) ‑> void

viewer_set_gli(gv, gli, flags=0) Set location info for given graph view If flags contains GLICTL_CENTER, then the gli will be set to be the center of the view. Otherwise it will be the top-left.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
gli: (C++: const graph_location_info_t *) graph_location_info_t const *
flags: (C++: uint32)

viewer_set_groups_visibility(gv: graph_viewer_t *, groups: intvec_t const &, expand: bool, new_current: int = -1) ‑> bool

viewer_set_groups_visibility(gv, groups, expand, new_current=-1) -> bool Wrapper around interactive_graph_t::change_visibility. This function will:

  • clone the current graph

  • attempt changing visibility of the groups in that new graph

  • if successful, animate to that new graph.

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
groups: (C++: const intvec_t &) intvec_t const &
expand: (C++: bool)
new_current: (C++: int)

viewer_set_node_info(gv: graph_viewer_t *, n: int, ni: node_info_t, flags: uint32) ‑> void

viewer_set_node_info(gv, n, ni, flags) Set node info for node in given viewer (see set_node_info())

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
n: (C++: int)
ni: (C++: const node_info_t &) node_info_t const &
flags: (C++: uint32)

viewer_set_titlebar_height(gv: graph_viewer_t *, height: int) ‑> int

viewer_set_titlebar_height(gv, height) -> int Set height of node title bars (grcode_set_titlebar_height)

gv: (C++: graph_viewer_t *)
height: (C++: int)


GraphViewer(title, close_open=False)

: Proxy of C++ View_Hooks class.

Constructs the GraphView object.
Please do not remove or rename the private fields

 title: The title of the graph window
 close_open: Should it attempt to close an existing graph (with same title) before creating this graph?

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_kernwin.CustomIDAMemo
* ida_kernwin.View_Hooks

Class variables

  • UI_Hooks_Trampoline Proxy of C++ UI_Hooks class.


  • AddCommand(self, title, shortcut)

  • AddEdge(self, src_node, dest_node) Creates an edge between two given node ids

  • AddNode(self, obj) Creates a node associated with the given object and returns the node id

  • Clear(self) Clears all the nodes and edges

  • Close(self) Closes the graph. It is possible to call Show() again (which will recreate the graph)

  • Count(self) Returns the node count

  • OnCommand(self, cmd_id)

  • OnPopup(self, widget, popup_handle)

  • OnRefresh(self) Event called when the graph is refreshed or first created. From this event you are supposed to create nodes and edges. This callback is mandatory.

    note: It is important to clear previous nodes before adding nodes. return: Returning True tells the graph viewer to use the items. Otherwise old items will be used.

  • Select(self, node_id) Selects a node on the graph

  • Show(self) Shows an existing graph or creates a new one

    return: Boolean


: Proxy of C++ TPointDouble class.

__init__(self) -> TPointDouble
__init__(self, a, b) -> TPointDouble

 a: double
 b: double

__init__(self, r) -> TPointDouble

 r: point_t const &

Instance variables

  • x: double x

  • y: double y


  • add(self, r: TPointDouble) ‑> void add(self, r)

    r: TPointDouble const &

  • negate(self) ‑> void negate(self)

  • sub(self, r: TPointDouble) ‑> void sub(self, r)

    r: TPointDouble const &


: Proxy of C++ drawable_graph_t class.

__init__(self) -> drawable_graph_t

 self: PyObject *

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_gdl.gdl_graph_t


* ida_graph.interactive_graph_t

Instance variables

  • callback_ud: void * callback_ud

  • circle_center: point_t circle_center

  • circle_radius: int circle_radius

  • current_layout: layout_type_t current_layout

  • rect_edges_made: bool rect_edges_made

  • title: qstring title


  • create_circle_layout(self, p: point_t, radius: int) ‑> bool create_circle_layout(self, p, radius) -> bool

    p: point_t radius: int

  • create_tree_layout(self) ‑> bool create_tree_layout(self) -> bool

  • get_edge(self, e: edge_t) ‑> edge_info_t * get_edge(self, e) -> edge_info_t

    e: edge_t

  • grcall(self, code: int) ‑> ssize_t grcall(self, code) -> ssize_t

    code: int

  • nrect(self, n: int) ‑> ida_graph.rect_t nrect(self, n) -> rect_t

    n: int

  • set_callback(self, _callback: hook_cb_t *, _ud: void *) ‑> void set_callback(self, _callback, _ud)

    _callback: hook_cb_t * _ud: void *


: Proxy of C++ drawable_graph_t class.

__init__(self) -> drawable_graph_t

 self: PyObject *

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_gdl.gdl_graph_t


* ida_graph.interactive_graph_t

Instance variables

  • callback_ud: void * callback_ud

  • circle_center: point_t circle_center

  • circle_radius: int circle_radius

  • current_layout: layout_type_t current_layout

  • rect_edges_made: bool rect_edges_made

  • title: qstring title


  • create_circle_layout(self, p: point_t, radius: int) ‑> bool create_circle_layout(self, p, radius) -> bool

    p: point_t radius: int

  • create_tree_layout(self) ‑> bool create_tree_layout(self) -> bool

  • get_edge(self, e: edge_t) ‑> edge_info_t * get_edge(self, e) -> edge_info_t

    e: edge_t

  • grcall(self, code: int) ‑> ssize_t grcall(self, code) -> ssize_t

    code: int

  • nrect(self, n: int) ‑> ida_graph.rect_t nrect(self, n) -> rect_t

    n: int

  • set_callback(self, _callback: hook_cb_t *, _ud: void *) ‑> void set_callback(self, _callback, _ud)

    _callback: hook_cb_t * _ud: void *


: Proxy of C++ edge_info_t class.

__init__(self) -> edge_info_t

Instance variables

  • color: bgcolor_t color

  • dstoff: int dstoff

  • layout: pointseq_t layout

  • srcoff: int srcoff

  • width: int width


  • reverse_layout(self) ‑> void reverse_layout(self)

edge_infos_wrapper_t(*args, **kwargs)

: Proxy of C++ edge_infos_wrapper_t class.

Instance variables

  • ptr: edge_infos_t * ptr


  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self)


: Proxy of C++ edge_layout_point_t class.

__init__(self) -> edge_layout_point_t
__init__(self, _e, _pidx) -> edge_layout_point_t

 _e: edge_t const &
 _pidx: int

Instance variables

  • e: ida_gdl.edge_t e

  • pidx: int pidx


  • compare(self, r: edge_layout_point_t) ‑> int compare(self, r) -> int

    r: edge_layout_point_t const &


: Proxy of C++ edge_segment_t class.

__init__(self) -> edge_segment_t

Instance variables

  • e: ida_gdl.edge_t e

  • nseg: int nseg

  • x0: int x0

  • x1: int x1


  • length(self) ‑> size_t length(self) -> size_t

  • toright(self) ‑> bool toright(self) -> bool


: Proxy of C++ graph_item_t class.

__init__(self) -> graph_item_t

Instance variables

  • b: int b

  • e: edge_t e

  • elp: edge_layout_point_t elp

  • n: int n

  • p: point_t p

  • type: graph_item_type_t type


  • is_edge(self) ‑> bool is_edge(self) -> bool

  • is_node(self) ‑> bool is_node(self) -> bool


: Proxy of C++ graph_node_visitor_t class.

__init__(self) -> graph_node_visitor_t

 self: PyObject *


  • is_forbidden_edge(self, arg0: int, arg1: int) ‑> bool is_forbidden_edge(self, arg0, arg1) -> bool Should the edge between 'n' and 'm' be ignored?

    arg0: int arg1: int

  • is_visited(self, n: int) ‑> bool is_visited(self, n) -> bool Have we already visited the given node?

    n: (C++: int)

  • reinit(self) ‑> void reinit(self) Reset visited nodes.

  • set_visited(self, n: int) ‑> void set_visited(self, n) Mark node as visited.

    n: (C++: int)

  • visit_node(self, arg0: int) ‑> int visit_node(self, arg0) -> int Implements action to take when a node is visited.

    arg0: int


: Proxy of C++ graph_path_visitor_t class.

__init__(self) -> graph_path_visitor_t

 self: PyObject *

Instance variables

  • path: intvec_t path

  • prune: bool prune


  • walk_backward(self, arg0: int) ‑> int walk_backward(self, arg0) -> int

    arg0: int

  • walk_forward(self, arg0: int) ‑> int walk_forward(self, arg0) -> int

    arg0: int


: Proxy of C++ graph_visitor_t class.

__init__(self) -> graph_visitor_t

 self: PyObject *


  • visit_edge(self, arg2: edge_t, arg3: edge_info_t) ‑> int visit_edge(self, arg2, arg3) -> int

    arg2: edge_t arg3: edge_info_t *

  • visit_node(self, arg2: int, arg3: rect_t) ‑> int visit_node(self, arg2, arg3) -> int

    arg2: int arg3: rect_t &


: Proxy of C++ group_crinfo_t class.

__init__(self) -> group_crinfo_t

Instance variables

  • nodes: intvec_t nodes

  • text: qstring text

interactive_graph_t(*args, **kwargs)

: Proxy of C++ interactive_graph_t class.

__init__(self) -> drawable_graph_t

 self: PyObject *

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_graph.drawable_graph_t
* ida_gdl.gdl_graph_t

Instance variables

  • belongs: intvec_t belongs

  • edges: edge_infos_wrapper_t edges

  • gid: uval_t gid

  • node_flags: bytevec_t node_flags

  • nodes: interactive_graph_t::node_layout_t nodes

  • org_preds: array_of_intvec_t org_preds

  • org_succs: array_of_intvec_t org_succs

  • preds: array_of_intvec_t preds

  • succs: array_of_intvec_t succs


  • add_edge(self, i: int, j: int, ei: edge_info_t) ‑> bool add_edge(self, i, j, ei) -> bool

    i: int j: int ei: edge_info_t const *

  • add_node(self, r: rect_t) ‑> int add_node(self, r) -> int Add a node, possibly with a specific geometry

    r: (C++: const rect_t *) the node geometry (can be nullptr) return: the new node

  • calc_group_ea(self, arg2: intvec_t const &) ‑> ea_t calc_group_ea(self, arg2) -> ea_t

    arg2: intvec_t const &

  • change_group_visibility(self, group: int, expand: bool) ‑> bool change_group_visibility(self, group, expand) -> bool Expand/collapse a group node

    group: (C++: int) the group node expand: (C++: bool) whether to expand or collapse return: success

  • create_digraph_layout(self) ‑> bool create_digraph_layout(self) -> bool

  • create_group(self, nodes: intvec_t const &) ‑> int create_group(self, nodes) -> int Create a new group node, that will contain all the nodes in 'nodes'.

    nodes: (C++: const intvec_t &) the nodes that will be part of the group return: the group node, or -1 in case of error

  • del_custom_layout(self) ‑> void del_custom_layout(self)

  • del_edge(self, i: int, j: int) ‑> bool del_edge(self, i, j) -> bool

    i: int j: int

  • del_node(self, n: int) ‑> ssize_t del_node(self, n) -> ssize_t Delete a node

    n: (C++: int) the node to delete return: the number of deleted edges

  • delete_group(self, group: int) ‑> bool delete_group(self, group) -> bool Delete a group node.

    This deletes the group node only; it does not delete nodes that are part of the group.

    group: (C++: int) the group node return: success

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool Is the graph (visually) empty?

    return: true if there are no visible nodes

  • exists(self, node: int) ‑> bool exists(self, node) -> bool Is the node visible?

    node: (C++: int) the node number return: success

  • get_custom_layout(self) ‑> bool get_custom_layout(self) -> bool

  • get_first_subgraph_node(self, group: int) ‑> int get_first_subgraph_node(self, group) -> int

    group: int

  • get_graph_groups(self) ‑> bool get_graph_groups(self) -> bool

  • get_next_subgraph_node(self, group: int, current: int) ‑> int get_next_subgraph_node(self, group, current) -> int

    group: int current: int

  • get_node_group(self, node: int) ‑> int get_node_group(self, node) -> int

    node: int

  • get_node_representative(self, node: int) ‑> int get_node_representative(self, node) -> int Get the node that currently visually represents 'node'. This will find the "closest" parent group node that's visible, by attempting to walk up the group nodes that contain 'node', and will stop when it finds a node that is currently visible.

    See also get_group_node()

    node: (C++: int) the node return: the node that represents 'node', or 'node' if it's not part of any group

  • is_collapsed_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_collapsed_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_deleted_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_deleted_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_displayable_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_displayable_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_dot_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_dot_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_group_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_group_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_simple_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_simple_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_subgraph_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_subgraph_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_uncollapsed_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_uncollapsed_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_user_graph(self) ‑> bool is_user_graph(self) -> bool

  • is_visible_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_visible_node(self, node) -> bool Is the node currently visible?

    An invisible node is a node that's part of a group that's currently collapsed.

    node: (C++: int) the node return: success

  • node_qty(self) ‑> int node_qty(self) -> int Get the number of visible nodes (the list can be retrieved using gdl.hpp's node_iterator)

    See also size()

    return: the number of visible nodes

  • npred(self, b: int) ‑> int npred(self, b) -> int

    b: int

  • nsucc(self, b: int) ‑> int nsucc(self, b) -> int

    b: int

  • pred(self, b: int, i: int) ‑> int pred(self, b, i) -> int

    b: int i: int

  • predset(self, b: int) ‑> intvec_t const & predset(self, b) -> intvec_t const &

    b: int

  • redo_layout(self) ‑> bool redo_layout(self) -> bool Recompute the layout, according to the value of 'current_layout'.

    return: success

  • refresh(self) ‑> bool refresh(self) -> bool Refresh the graph

    A graph needs refreshing when it's "backing data". E.g., if the number (or contents) of the objects in the above example, change.

    Let's say the user's plugin ends up finding a 5th piece of scattered data. It should then add it to its internal list of known objects, and tell IDA that the graph needs to be refreshed, using refresh_viewer(). This will cause IDA to:

    • discard all its internal rendering information,

    • call interactive_graph_t::refresh() on the graph so that the user's plugin has a chance to "sync" the number of nodes & edges that this graph contains, to the information that the plugin has collected so far

    • re-create internal rendering information, and

    • repaint the view

    return: success

  • replace_edge(self, i: int, j: int, x: int, y: int) ‑> bool replace_edge(self, i, j, x, y) -> bool

    i: int j: int x: int y: int

  • reset(self) ‑> void reset(self)

  • resize(self, n: int) ‑> void resize(self, n) Resize the graph to 'n' nodes

    n: (C++: int) the new size

  • set_custom_layout(self) ‑> void set_custom_layout(self)

  • set_deleted_node(self, node: int) ‑> void set_deleted_node(self, node)

    node: int

  • set_edge(self, e: edge_t, ei: edge_info_t) ‑> bool set_edge(self, e, ei) -> bool

    e: edge_t ei: edge_info_t const *

  • set_graph_groups(self) ‑> void set_graph_groups(self)

  • set_node_group(self, node: int, group: int) ‑> void set_node_group(self, node, group)

    node: int group: int

  • set_nrect(self, n: int, r: rect_t) ‑> bool set_nrect(self, n, r) -> bool

    n: int r: rect_t const &

  • size(self) ‑> int size(self) -> int Get the total number of nodes (including group nodes, and including hidden nodes.)

    See also node_qty()

    return: the total number of nodes in the graph

  • succ(self, b: int, i: int) ‑> int succ(self, b, i) -> int

    b: int i: int

  • succset(self, b: int) ‑> intvec_t const & succset(self, b) -> intvec_t const &

    b: int

mutable_graph_t(*args, **kwargs)

: Proxy of C++ interactive_graph_t class.

__init__(self) -> drawable_graph_t

 self: PyObject *

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_graph.drawable_graph_t
* ida_gdl.gdl_graph_t

Instance variables

  • belongs: intvec_t belongs

  • edges: edge_infos_wrapper_t edges

  • gid: uval_t gid

  • node_flags: bytevec_t node_flags

  • nodes: interactive_graph_t::node_layout_t nodes

  • org_preds: array_of_intvec_t org_preds

  • org_succs: array_of_intvec_t org_succs

  • preds: array_of_intvec_t preds

  • succs: array_of_intvec_t succs


  • add_edge(self, i: int, j: int, ei: edge_info_t) ‑> bool add_edge(self, i, j, ei) -> bool

    i: int j: int ei: edge_info_t const *

  • add_node(self, r: rect_t) ‑> int add_node(self, r) -> int Add a node, possibly with a specific geometry

    r: (C++: const rect_t *) the node geometry (can be nullptr) return: the new node

  • calc_group_ea(self, arg2: intvec_t const &) ‑> ea_t calc_group_ea(self, arg2) -> ea_t

    arg2: intvec_t const &

  • change_group_visibility(self, group: int, expand: bool) ‑> bool change_group_visibility(self, group, expand) -> bool Expand/collapse a group node

    group: (C++: int) the group node expand: (C++: bool) whether to expand or collapse return: success

  • create_digraph_layout(self) ‑> bool create_digraph_layout(self) -> bool

  • create_group(self, nodes: intvec_t const &) ‑> int create_group(self, nodes) -> int Create a new group node, that will contain all the nodes in 'nodes'.

    nodes: (C++: const intvec_t &) the nodes that will be part of the group return: the group node, or -1 in case of error

  • del_custom_layout(self) ‑> void del_custom_layout(self)

  • del_edge(self, i: int, j: int) ‑> bool del_edge(self, i, j) -> bool

    i: int j: int

  • del_node(self, n: int) ‑> ssize_t del_node(self, n) -> ssize_t Delete a node

    n: (C++: int) the node to delete return: the number of deleted edges

  • delete_group(self, group: int) ‑> bool delete_group(self, group) -> bool Delete a group node.

    This deletes the group node only; it does not delete nodes that are part of the group.

    group: (C++: int) the group node return: success

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool Is the graph (visually) empty?

    return: true if there are no visible nodes

  • exists(self, node: int) ‑> bool exists(self, node) -> bool Is the node visible?

    node: (C++: int) the node number return: success

  • get_custom_layout(self) ‑> bool get_custom_layout(self) -> bool

  • get_first_subgraph_node(self, group: int) ‑> int get_first_subgraph_node(self, group) -> int

    group: int

  • get_graph_groups(self) ‑> bool get_graph_groups(self) -> bool

  • get_next_subgraph_node(self, group: int, current: int) ‑> int get_next_subgraph_node(self, group, current) -> int

    group: int current: int

  • get_node_group(self, node: int) ‑> int get_node_group(self, node) -> int

    node: int

  • get_node_representative(self, node: int) ‑> int get_node_representative(self, node) -> int Get the node that currently visually represents 'node'. This will find the "closest" parent group node that's visible, by attempting to walk up the group nodes that contain 'node', and will stop when it finds a node that is currently visible.

    See also get_group_node()

    node: (C++: int) the node return: the node that represents 'node', or 'node' if it's not part of any group

  • is_collapsed_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_collapsed_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_deleted_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_deleted_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_displayable_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_displayable_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_dot_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_dot_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_group_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_group_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_simple_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_simple_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_subgraph_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_subgraph_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_uncollapsed_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_uncollapsed_node(self, node) -> bool

    node: int

  • is_user_graph(self) ‑> bool is_user_graph(self) -> bool

  • is_visible_node(self, node: int) ‑> bool is_visible_node(self, node) -> bool Is the node currently visible?

    An invisible node is a node that's part of a group that's currently collapsed.

    node: (C++: int) the node return: success

  • node_qty(self) ‑> int node_qty(self) -> int Get the number of visible nodes (the list can be retrieved using gdl.hpp's node_iterator)

    See also size()

    return: the number of visible nodes

  • npred(self, b: int) ‑> int npred(self, b) -> int

    b: int

  • nsucc(self, b: int) ‑> int nsucc(self, b) -> int

    b: int

  • pred(self, b: int, i: int) ‑> int pred(self, b, i) -> int

    b: int i: int

  • predset(self, b: int) ‑> intvec_t const & predset(self, b) -> intvec_t const &

    b: int

  • redo_layout(self) ‑> bool redo_layout(self) -> bool Recompute the layout, according to the value of 'current_layout'.

    return: success

  • refresh(self) ‑> bool refresh(self) -> bool Refresh the graph

    A graph needs refreshing when it's "backing data". E.g., if the number (or contents) of the objects in the above example, change.

    Let's say the user's plugin ends up finding a 5th piece of scattered data. It should then add it to its internal list of known objects, and tell IDA that the graph needs to be refreshed, using refresh_viewer(). This will cause IDA to:

    • discard all its internal rendering information,

    • call interactive_graph_t::refresh() on the graph so that the user's plugin has a chance to "sync" the number of nodes & edges that this graph contains, to the information that the plugin has collected so far

    • re-create internal rendering information, and

    • repaint the view

    return: success

  • replace_edge(self, i: int, j: int, x: int, y: int) ‑> bool replace_edge(self, i, j, x, y) -> bool

    i: int j: int x: int y: int

  • reset(self) ‑> void reset(self)

  • resize(self, n: int) ‑> void resize(self, n) Resize the graph to 'n' nodes

    n: (C++: int) the new size

  • set_custom_layout(self) ‑> void set_custom_layout(self)

  • set_deleted_node(self, node: int) ‑> void set_deleted_node(self, node)

    node: int

  • set_edge(self, e: edge_t, ei: edge_info_t) ‑> bool set_edge(self, e, ei) -> bool

    e: edge_t ei: edge_info_t const *

  • set_graph_groups(self) ‑> void set_graph_groups(self)

  • set_node_group(self, node: int, group: int) ‑> void set_node_group(self, node, group)

    node: int group: int

  • set_nrect(self, n: int, r: rect_t) ‑> bool set_nrect(self, n, r) -> bool

    n: int r: rect_t const &

  • size(self) ‑> int size(self) -> int Get the total number of nodes (including group nodes, and including hidden nodes.)

    See also node_qty()

    return: the total number of nodes in the graph

  • succ(self, b: int, i: int) ‑> int succ(self, b, i) -> int

    b: int i: int

  • succset(self, b: int) ‑> intvec_t const & succset(self, b) -> intvec_t const &

    b: int


: Proxy of C++ interval_t class.

__init__(self) -> interval_t
__init__(self, y0, y1) -> interval_t

 y0: int
 y1: int

__init__(self, s) -> interval_t

 s: edge_segment_t const &

Instance variables

  • x0: int x0

  • x1: int x1


  • contains(self, x: int) ‑> bool contains(self, x) -> bool

    x: int

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • intersect(self, r: interval_t) ‑> void intersect(self, r)

    r: interval_t const &

  • length(self) ‑> int length(self) -> int

  • make_union(self, r: interval_t) ‑> void make_union(self, r)

    r: interval_t const &

  • move_by(self, shift: int) ‑> void move_by(self, shift)

    shift: int


: Proxy of C++ node_info_t class.

__init__(self) -> node_info_t

Instance variables

  • bg_color: bgcolor_t bg_color

  • ea: ea_t ea

  • flags: uint32 flags

  • frame_color: bgcolor_t frame_color

  • text: qstring text


  • get_flags_for_valid(self) ‑> uint32 get_flags_for_valid(self) -> uint32 Get combination of Node info flags describing which attributes are valid.

  • valid_bg_color(self) ‑> bool valid_bg_color(self) -> bool Has valid bg_color?

  • valid_ea(self) ‑> bool valid_ea(self) -> bool Has valid ea?

  • valid_flags(self) ‑> bool valid_flags(self) -> bool Has valid flags?

  • valid_frame_color(self) ‑> bool valid_frame_color(self) -> bool Has valid frame_color?

  • valid_text(self) ‑> bool valid_text(self) -> bool Has non-empty text?


: Proxy of C++ qvector< rect_t > class.

__init__(self) -> node_layout_t
__init__(self, x) -> node_layout_t

 x: qvector< rect_t > const &


  • add_unique(self, x: rect_t) ‑> bool add_unique(self, x) -> bool

    x: rect_t const &

  • at(self, _idx: size_t) ‑> rect_t const & at(self, _idx) -> rect_t

    _idx: size_t

  • back(self)

  • begin(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rect_t >::const_iterator begin(self) -> rect_t

  • capacity(self) ‑> size_t capacity(self) -> size_t

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self)

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • end(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rect_t >::const_iterator end(self) -> rect_t

  • erase(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rect_t >::iterator erase(self, it) -> rect_t

    it: qvector< rect_t >::iterator

    erase(self, first, last) -> rect_t

    first: qvector< rect_t >::iterator last: qvector< rect_t >::iterator

  • extract(self) ‑> rect_t * extract(self) -> rect_t

  • find(self, *args) ‑> qvector< rect_t >::const_iterator find(self, x) -> rect_t

    x: rect_t const &

  • front(self)

  • grow(self, *args) ‑> void grow(self, x=rect_t())

    x: rect_t const &

  • has(self, x: rect_t) ‑> bool has(self, x) -> bool

    x: rect_t const &

  • inject(self, s: rect_t, len: size_t) ‑> void inject(self, s, len)

    s: rect_t * len: size_t

  • insert(self, it: rect_t, x: rect_t) ‑> qvector< rect_t >::iterator insert(self, it, x) -> rect_t

    it: qvector< rect_t >::iterator x: rect_t const &

  • pop_back(self) ‑> void pop_back(self)

  • push_back(self, *args) ‑> rect_t & push_back(self, x)

    x: rect_t const &

    push_back(self) -> rect_t

  • qclear(self) ‑> void qclear(self)

  • reserve(self, cnt: size_t) ‑> void reserve(self, cnt)

    cnt: size_t

  • resize(self, *args) ‑> void resize(self, _newsize, x)

    _newsize: size_t x: rect_t const &

    resize(self, _newsize)

    _newsize: size_t

  • size(self) ‑> size_t size(self) -> size_t

  • swap(self, r: node_layout_t) ‑> void swap(self, r)

    r: qvector< rect_t > &

  • truncate(self) ‑> void truncate(self)


: Proxy of C++ point_t class.

__init__(self) -> point_t
__init__(self, _x, _y) -> point_t

 _x: int
 _y: int

Instance variables

  • x: int x

  • y: int y


  • add(self, r: point_t) ‑> point_t & add(self, r) -> point_t

    r: point_t const &

  • negate(self) ‑> void negate(self)

  • sub(self, r: point_t) ‑> point_t & sub(self, r) -> point_t

    r: point_t const &


: Proxy of C++ pointseq_t class.

__init__(self) -> pointseq_t

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_graph.pointvec_t


: Proxy of C++ qvector< point_t > class.

__init__(self) -> pointvec_t
__init__(self, x) -> pointvec_t

 x: qvector< point_t > const &


* ida_graph.pointseq_t


  • add_unique(self, x: point_t) ‑> bool add_unique(self, x) -> bool

    x: point_t const &

  • at(self, _idx: size_t) ‑> point_t const & at(self, _idx) -> point_t

    _idx: size_t

  • back(self)

  • begin(self, *args) ‑> qvector< point_t >::const_iterator begin(self) -> point_t

  • capacity(self) ‑> size_t capacity(self) -> size_t

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self)

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • end(self, *args) ‑> qvector< point_t >::const_iterator end(self) -> point_t

  • erase(self, *args) ‑> qvector< point_t >::iterator erase(self, it) -> point_t

    it: qvector< point_t >::iterator

    erase(self, first, last) -> point_t

    first: qvector< point_t >::iterator last: qvector< point_t >::iterator

  • extract(self) ‑> point_t * extract(self) -> point_t

  • find(self, *args) ‑> qvector< point_t >::const_iterator find(self, x) -> point_t

    x: point_t const &

  • front(self)

  • grow(self, *args) ‑> void grow(self, x=point_t())

    x: point_t const &

  • has(self, x: point_t) ‑> bool has(self, x) -> bool

    x: point_t const &

  • inject(self, s: point_t, len: size_t) ‑> void inject(self, s, len)

    s: point_t * len: size_t

  • insert(self, it: point_t, x: point_t) ‑> qvector< point_t >::iterator insert(self, it, x) -> point_t

    it: qvector< point_t >::iterator x: point_t const &

  • pop_back(self) ‑> void pop_back(self)

  • push_back(self, *args) ‑> point_t & push_back(self, x)

    x: point_t const &

    push_back(self) -> point_t

  • qclear(self) ‑> void qclear(self)

  • reserve(self, cnt: size_t) ‑> void reserve(self, cnt)

    cnt: size_t

  • resize(self, *args) ‑> void resize(self, _newsize, x)

    _newsize: size_t x: point_t const &

    resize(self, _newsize)

    _newsize: size_t

  • size(self) ‑> size_t size(self) -> size_t

  • swap(self, r: pointvec_t) ‑> void swap(self, r)

    r: qvector< point_t > &

  • truncate(self) ‑> void truncate(self)


: Proxy of C++ rect_t class.

__init__(self) -> rect_t
__init__(self, l, t, r, b) -> rect_t

 l: int
 t: int
 r: int
 b: int

__init__(self, p0, p1) -> rect_t

 p0: point_t const &
 p1: point_t const &

Instance variables

  • bottom: int bottom

  • left: int left

  • right: int right

  • top: int top


  • area(self) ‑> int area(self) -> int

  • bottomright(self) ‑> ida_graph.point_t bottomright(self) -> point_t

  • center(self) ‑> ida_graph.point_t center(self) -> point_t

  • contains(self, p: point_t) ‑> bool contains(self, p) -> bool

    p: point_t const &

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • grow(self, delta: int) ‑> void grow(self, delta)

    delta: int

  • height(self) ‑> int height(self) -> int

  • intersect(self, r: rect_t) ‑> void intersect(self, r)

    r: rect_t const &

  • is_intersection_empty(self, r: rect_t) ‑> bool is_intersection_empty(self, r) -> bool

    r: rect_t const &

  • make_union(self, r: rect_t) ‑> void make_union(self, r)

    r: rect_t const &

  • move_by(self, p: point_t) ‑> void move_by(self, p)

    p: point_t const &

  • move_to(self, p: point_t) ‑> void move_to(self, p)

    p: point_t const &

  • topleft(self) ‑> ida_graph.point_t topleft(self) -> point_t

  • width(self) ‑> int width(self) -> int


: Proxy of C++ row_info_t class.

__init__(self) -> row_info_t

Instance variables

  • bottom: int bottom

  • nodes: intvec_t nodes

  • top: int top


  • height(self) ‑> int height(self) -> int


: Proxy of C++ qvector< selection_item_t > class.

__init__(self) -> screen_graph_selection_base_t
__init__(self, x) -> screen_graph_selection_base_t

 x: qvector< selection_item_t > const &


* ida_graph.screen_graph_selection_t


  • add_unique(self, x: selection_item_t) ‑> bool add_unique(self, x) -> bool

    x: selection_item_t const &

  • at(self, _idx: size_t) ‑> selection_item_t const & at(self, _idx) -> selection_item_t

    _idx: size_t

  • back(self)

  • begin(self, *args) ‑> qvector< selection_item_t >::const_iterator begin(self) -> selection_item_t

  • capacity(self) ‑> size_t capacity(self) -> size_t

  • clear(self) ‑> void clear(self)

  • empty(self) ‑> bool empty(self) -> bool

  • end(self, *args) ‑> qvector< selection_item_t >::const_iterator end(self) -> selection_item_t

  • erase(self, *args) ‑> qvector< selection_item_t >::iterator erase(self, it) -> selection_item_t

    it: qvector< selection_item_t >::iterator

    erase(self, first, last) -> selection_item_t

    first: qvector< selection_item_t >::iterator last: qvector< selection_item_t >::iterator

  • extract(self) ‑> selection_item_t * extract(self) -> selection_item_t

  • find(self, *args) ‑> qvector< selection_item_t >::const_iterator find(self, x) -> selection_item_t

    x: selection_item_t const &

  • front(self)

  • grow(self, *args) ‑> void grow(self, x=selection_item_t())

    x: selection_item_t const &

  • has(self, x: selection_item_t) ‑> bool has(self, x) -> bool

    x: selection_item_t const &

  • inject(self, s: selection_item_t, len: size_t) ‑> void inject(self, s, len)

    s: selection_item_t * len: size_t

  • insert(self, it: selection_item_t, x: selection_item_t) ‑> qvector< selection_item_t >::iterator insert(self, it, x) -> selection_item_t

    it: qvector< selection_item_t >::iterator x: selection_item_t const &

  • pop_back(self) ‑> void pop_back(self)

  • push_back(self, *args) ‑> selection_item_t & push_back(self, x)

    x: selection_item_t const &

    push_back(self) -> selection_item_t

  • qclear(self) ‑> void qclear(self)

  • reserve(self, cnt: size_t) ‑> void reserve(self, cnt)

    cnt: size_t

  • resize(self, *args) ‑> void resize(self, _newsize, x)

    _newsize: size_t x: selection_item_t const &

    resize(self, _newsize)

    _newsize: size_t

  • size(self) ‑> size_t size(self) -> size_t

  • swap(self, r: screen_graph_selection_base_t) ‑> void swap(self, r)

    r: qvector< selection_item_t > &

  • truncate(self) ‑> void truncate(self)


: Proxy of C++ screen_graph_selection_t class.

__init__(self) -> screen_graph_selection_t

Ancestors (in MRO)

* ida_graph.screen_graph_selection_base_t


  • add(self, s: screen_graph_selection_t) ‑> void add(self, s)

    s: screen_graph_selection_t const &

  • add_node(self, node: int) ‑> void add_node(self, node)

    node: int

  • add_point(self, e: edge_t, idx: int) ‑> void add_point(self, e, idx)

    e: edge_t idx: int

  • del_node(self, node: int) ‑> void del_node(self, node)

    node: int

  • del_point(self, e: edge_t, idx: int) ‑> void del_point(self, e, idx)

    e: edge_t idx: int

  • has(self, item: selection_item_t) ‑> bool has(self, item) -> bool

    item: selection_item_t const &

  • items_count(self, look_for_nodes: bool) ‑> size_t items_count(self, look_for_nodes) -> size_t

    look_for_nodes: bool

  • nodes_count(self) ‑> size_t nodes_count(self) -> size_t

  • points_count(self) ‑> size_t points_count(self) -> size_t

  • sub(self, s: screen_graph_selection_t) ‑> void sub(self, s)

    s: screen_graph_selection_t const &


: Proxy of C++ selection_item_t class.

__init__(self) -> selection_item_t
__init__(self, n) -> selection_item_t

 n: int

__init__(self, _elp) -> selection_item_t

 _elp: edge_layout_point_t &

__init__(self, e, idx) -> selection_item_t

 e: edge_t
 idx: int

Instance variables

  • elp: ida_graph.edge_layout_point_t elp

  • is_node: bool is_node

  • node: int node


  • compare(self, r: selection_item_t) ‑> int compare(self, r) -> int

    r: selection_item_t const &

user_graph_place_t(*args, **kwargs)

: Proxy of C++ user_graph_place_t class.

Instance variables

  • node: int node

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